Labels:crt screen | dialog box | earth | monitor | plant | sky | window OCR: Exporting WRITE 32 Importing vrite <source> to <file. .name Guide 4 EXERCISE 1 The script in the Test Mac will take the contents of the Mac Field and write it. to the text -only file "testdata Then it will read back the data and put it back into the Mac Field so you can see what was written on mouseDown open file "testdata' wrrite field "Mac" to file "testdata" close file "tes tdata aweu 5suppe end mous Down other Etuf1 on mouseUp play boing put empty into fie1d "Mac" open file "testdata read from file 'testdata" for 100 put it into field "Mac close file "testdata' end mouseUp EDITISAVE [UHDO POUER rite EXERCISF addl stutt EDITI SAVE